Showing posts with label Mai's world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mai's world. Show all posts


Have you listened to any good songs lately?

The song has been played over and over again: 

"...Blackbird fly, blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night

Blackbird by The Beatles


Ain't it good to know you've got a friend?

"...Winter, spring, summer or fall 
all you got to do is call and I'll be there..." 
(You've got a friend by Carole King)
Leaving a hectic life behind, we went out for dinner at a Barcelona Tapas Restaurant. We talked, laughed, and listened to "Memories" by David Guetta on the way home. There was no hugging, no kissing, no holding hands...but I felt love... love from a friend to a very good friend :)
11:51 pm - Feb 3, 2012


Something To Share :)

So, after years of rolling it up and stuffing it in the linen closet, I finally learned how to fold a fitted sheet...Thanks to Martha; you saved my life.


...Did Something Different Last Year?

Sally (Meg Ryan) and Harry (Billy Crystal)
  1.  Ate plane food for the 1st time in my traveling life. Trust me! It was not that bad, especially their snacks.
  2. Went to see a movie at the theater all by myself. There was something really fun about it.
  3. Found my favorite movie of all time: " When Harry met Sally". Always love Billy.
  4. Breathed in the air of New York City...OMG!
  5. Learned to let something go and keep moving.
  6. Ended the year with Jim Brickman's concert. It was beyond amazing!
I called 2011 a year for grown-ups.


The Message Makes My Year!

3o Tet, anh re gui tin nhan dong vien hai em di hoc xa nha. Nhin to the ma anh tinh cam lam...
"Hi 2 em,
Hom nay ngay cuoi nam, chac 2 dua o ben do nho nha lam phai ko? Ngay xua anh di moi lan den giao thua cung nho nha va gia dinh lam. Anh hay nghe bai nay cho do nho nha ne:  "Xuan Nay Con Khong Ve". 
Hai em co len nha, co hoc nhanh cho xong de Tet nam sau nhat dinh se co mot cai Tet sum vay hanh phuc cung gia dinh minh nhe!"
Anh Nhan


Ready For A Night Out

Nghi bung se danh rieng toi nay chi de hen ho cung cai "toi" thoi. Thich that! Da lau lam roi, cai "toi" ay van them mot buoi toi dao buoc tren nhung con pho nho, nham nhap mau banh do dang, nghi ngoi ve hien tai, ve tuong lai va ca qua khu nua. Ay the nen da cho phep cai "toi" toi nay luon lo trong Crate&Barrel va Anthropologie sam chut bat dia xinh xinh cho can bep nho, doc vai tam thiep hai huoc o Hallmark, roi vi vu vi vu...
........"It is not how much we have but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." (unknown)


Time for Living My Dream.

Lau qua roi moi nghe lai nhac cua Do Bao, chac phai mai tu dao "Buc thu tinh dau tien". Nhac Do Bao da phan ve tinh yeu, de nghe; duy chi co Tan Minh, Ha Tran, Ngoc Anh va Nguyen Thao moi the hien duoc su nong nan trong tung ca tu, giai dieu ma tac gia gui gam. Nghe di nghe lai album "Thoi gian de yeu"...ung lam!


Tinh ca hong

Saint Louis dao gan day mua nhieu, nhung con mua ngan bat chot den roi di  lam nguoi Sai Gon xa nha nho  nhung chieu  mua tru chan noi quan ca phe nho khuat bong con hem dai, go nhip lang nghe nhung giai dieu sau lang...thoi gian tuong chung dung lai. Hom nay tim lai duoc mot so bai hat hay da lau,  tranh thu nghe mai khong thoi